Tuesday, August 29, 2006

That's not what Dad would say...

So i had an interested interaction this morning with my roomates. Keep in mind, this isn't a bad interaction, just interesting from my point of view. Here we go:

scene : R1 and I standing near R2's car. R2 is locking the door.

Me: Alright, well, i'm going to go and ride my bike to the T (me goes towards the bike)
R2: Are you going to wear a helmet?
Me: No...
R1: You really should, we've got extras, do you want one?
Me: No, i'll be ok, really.
R2: I really think you should wear a helmet. I'm just saying. I don't want to be like your mom, but just think about it ok? Just think about it.
Me: (still paralized by the thought of someone saying i should be wearing a helmet) It's alright, i'll just walk to the T.

Now, the interaction and my reaction weren't against who said it and what was said. It was the fact that it was said at all. I have never really had someone say to me, no please wear a helmet, we care too much about you to let you do stupid things. It was just really nice and a huge change from what I have been used to. My dad would never had stopped me from going out on the bike without a helmet and to have 2 people saying to me, no, please wear this protective gear because we don't want something to happen to you... well, it just meant a lot. (So, R1 and R2, thank you for caring).

In other news, i am back at crazy work! I missed it a lot. I am still very frustrated with the fact that i was out. I don't even have sick days yet, so this whole thing is just a mess. But work loves me and says we'll work it out, which is amazing. I am so glad to have gotten a job with such understanding and caring people.

Also today is the 1 year anniversary of Katrina. So many emotions are flowing through me but i think Mike said it best in an email he sent to some of our crew:

With the anniversary of the hurricane today, I think the risks that you all took and the time you gave show a lot about who you are. I am proud to know all of you and extremely proud of what we accomplished while we were in NOLA. Please never forget it, and always talk about it.

Thank you everyone who over the past year has listened to me whine and complain. Thank you for always supporting me through wanting to go find bodies, gutting houses and organizing groups to go down. Thank you for everything.

PS. Happy 1 year friend anniversary ;)


Girl said...

Hee hee...I was going to blog about this as well. The look on your face was priceless.

Of course, I didn't hear you say "to the T" when you said you were going to get on the bike, so I thought you were riding to work. THAT is why I was so adamant.

But while we are on the subject, the people who drive around where we live are idiots...you should wear a helmet anyway :)

Love 'ya kid.

Anonymous said...

Really, I just need things to keep me from getting bored during the day. If you died, I would have one less blog to read ;).