Monday, August 28, 2006

Now i am just angry...

I called the "doctors" office today because they hadn't called with the results of my tests. The woman on the phone, before giving me my results, yelled at me (seriously) for not having a primary care physican. I explained to her the situation and she said, well there is nothing I can do to uncomplicate your mess you've made. I asked kindly for the blood test results and she said, oh fine, i'll read them (WHAT IS THAT ABOUT?).

Drumroll please:

According to mean doctor (who i like less then stupid "doctor") I have anti-bodies for both A and B which are old, supposedly indicating a vaccine. This is all good news. So be happy for me.However, she didn't know why they were testing me again due to the fact that the evidence was right there. She suggests, i call back around 12 to see if i can talk to the 2 doctors i have seen over the past few days. She said there was no reason to, and I said, i needed to talk to them about me going back to work. Mean Doctor said, there was no reason you should've been out of work in the first place. I am angry.

I then explained my positive TB reading and she says, oh people get positive readings all the time. Its nothing to worry about. And i said, I work at an HIV/AID community center, for me its something to worry about. And she said, maybe you should get a new job with all of your supposed diseases.

Then i spoke to her supervisior.

So as of thus far, i do not have diseases YAY! (except maybe TB). I am waiting for a call from the Boston Living Center so i can explain the TB to them and HOPEFULLY I can go into work for the rest of the day, yay!!

If not, its Friends, Season 5 for me :) Leave me some love.


Girl said...

Dr's suck. The one nice lady at my eye Dr has apparently left...and been replaced by a super mean bitchy lady who just got all snotty at me. What a jerk. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Good luck today.


Anonymous said...

She did not seriously say you should get another job b/c of all of your supposed diseases?!

Anonymous said...

"Then i spoke to her supervisior."

Thats all my doing! YAY!
I can accually feel the anger as I read that entry - I'm pulling for ya babe - really am. Miss ya...
