Monday, August 21, 2006

technically back, but where am i?

So although physically, i am back in Boston. My job is going well, i am getting things started and getting myself involved. I have made my desk space my own and am getting to know people. I have started to organize so that I understand or atleast can pretend to understand what is going on. My new roomies are great, so thats good. My friends are supportive, but i don't seem some of them as much as i'd like. However, i still don't feel whole. The trip took a lot out of me, and i am sure that its going to take a lot for me to get back on track.

I have been doing a lot of me searching and have figured out a few things. My heart does not give up on things easily. My mind races with logistics that it doesn't have time to listen to my heart. I ache for certain people, pang for others and stress about more. I am a jealous being who doesn't necessarily feel like things always need to be her way, but sometimes thinks it could be better if we atleast tried it once. I'm depressed when i miss people and overly excited when they appear, yet become manic when they disappear again.

I think its possible that i am struggling with post tramatic stress disorder... or something. My mind is just else where. Ok, back to work.


suzib said...

I would like to know who gtfhwzk is, please :) You write such wonderful things.

suzib said...

i suck at things like this.