Friday, August 25, 2006


I am really struggling right now. I am becoming a bit depressed about the whole medical situation.

My doctor called again tonight to let me know about more test results.

Good: I do NOT have hep C.

I do have anti-bodies for hep A. (this could also fall under the bad category. Antibodies only show that my body has been fighting this OR there has been a vaccine. I will be having more tests tomorrow (Saturday).)

I have had both vaccines for A and B.

My chest x-ray shows no sign of TB.

Bad: I do have anti-bodies for both A and B, and the "doctor" thinks that the B is not from a vaccine. I will have more tests on Satruday to define if the antibodies are fighting something or are the vaccine.

My TB test is almost definately positive. It has swelled and its hard for me to move my arm. Although my x-ray is clear, my "doctor" is concerned about my tb test. I find out tomorrow more about that.

The so-called "Katrina Cough" is acting up again and my "doctor" would like me to see a resporatory specialist.

My love for the TV show House is sadly becoming a scary reality. There is a referal out to "one of the best diagnostic doctors in Boston" for me to see about everything. I am just so upset. I am angry at Common Ground for saying that the water was fine (when infact Giardia and Hep A live in contaminated water). I am angry at myself for telling Marian that I didn't need her filter that she wanted to buy me. I am mad that again, over and over in my life, i try to do good and i get crap for it. I am sick of trying to change the world and having it bite me in the ass. I want to do good, so stop holding me down. Also it is more than certain that i will never be able to donate blood again. And that REALLY upsets me. I am just slowly becoming depressed and I hope that I can snap out of it soon.

My doctors appt tomorrow should do the following (or atleast begin test for...)

1. repeat giardia attack
2. Hep A Vaccine Anti-bodies
3. Hep B Vaccine Anti-bodies
4. TB
5. Pneumonia, bronchitis, etc... (for the Katrina cough)

I believe that is all for tomorrow. We'll see how that goes. Hopefully I'll be in a better mood. I have a roaring party to go to ;)