Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Wicked Flashback...

As volunteer coordinator and networker extrordinare, i have had the opportunity to work with my Alma Mater, Suffolk University. Because of my work with AmeriCorps and Suffolk i have been able to form an amazing partnership which i relish in.

I was able to attend their community partners breakfast in the begining of August (which when i was a dear Suffolk girl, helped coordinate). I was able to speak up and say this is my job, please send volunteers. During that breakfast i was able to speak to Dean Stoll. She seemed pleasently surprised to see me and yet quite confused. She said she thought i had already graduated and I explained that i had 2 years ago. I spent last year doing MACC VISTA, and am now the volunteer coordinator at the BLC. She was quite please to hear of my work and very excited to have me as an alumn of Suffolk. It made both Dean Stoll and myself feel good about what we had done in the past and where we stood now.

Today was even more exciting for me. I met with a communication professor about a freshman seminar/service learning that they are holding. It is called Media Literacy.

This course explores the cultural and social functions of the media with an emphasis on learning how to critically evaluate media content. Students will examine a diversity of media texts from reality television and action films to pop music and video games. As a final project, the class will produce and edit a short documentary-style video which investigates a contemporary social issue.
The social issue of choice, HIV/AIDS in the Media. Hence, Suzi to the rescue. I have spent some time thinking about this class and how both Suffolk and the BLC could benefit. We had a wonderful meeting and I plan to smatter the school with wonderful condoms. Oh i am so excited!

The flashback comes in as i walked to the meeting. It was held on the 4th floor of the Ridgeway Building. I practically lived on that floor. The dark room, my first class at SU ever. It was like a rush walking back on to that floor, seeing classroom which once so inspired me, seeing professors who have made such an impact on me that I am who I am today. I just kept thinking about how extremely blessed I have been to have had that expirience. To truly have loved every minute. Through hard exams, auditions that went horribly, fun video production classes and ridiculous science and technology 301. I am proud of myself and of what i have become and proud to say that I went to SU. YAY!