Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I feel rejected...

I was so proud of myself at 10 am this morning. I had over 10 volunteers coming in. Most of which were earning hours for either community service or a service-learning class. Meaning, they had to be here.

At 10:30, when volunteers show up. I had 3 and one wasn't even working in the kitchen.

Now, at 11, I have 3, still with the one not working in the kitchen, and I need 12. I feel rejected by the world. Why would you say you'd do something and then not come. Is it me? Is it them? What is it?

Its very sad too because I was really in a good mood. boo.

Update: 11:43 am. 4 volunteers. But let's add insult to injury. I was then talked sharply too because I assigned the volunteer not working in the kitchen to someone who has been asking for help since I started here in July. I am trying you know? I am doing my best to serve everyone. I don't have enough volunteers to give to everyone and am trying to decipher who goes where first. I'm sorry if I put someone in the "wrong place.