Thursday, September 7, 2006

What is the proper etiquette procedure here?

So my roommate Marian and I often walk on the Bike Path on our way to work. We pass cute dogs, running women, men on bikes carrying flowers and coffee and whatever other else. It is a fun walk because it gives you time to chat as well as take in the surroundings which include a doughnut shop and a community garden. Quite lovely and never much disturbance.

This morning however, Marian and I ran in to a dilemma. A young professional woman was bending over, tying her shoe. Her skirt was a cute black skirt, about knee length, and see through. I thought perhaps it was because the fabric was stretched while she was bending over. Then she stood up and started to walk and the skirt was still quite see through.

So what is someone to do? Do you stop the person and say, "I’m sorry to say, but I was looking at your behind and I can see straight through to your skivvies?" Cause that doesn't make me look disgusting. Then do you run after them and tell them? Really what are you supposed to do?

Also, I think who ever is in the Boston area should be volunteering at least once a month at the Boston Living Center 10 - 2:30, it’s a great time and you get a free meal out of it. We're in a severe volunteer crunch due to the fact that I might suck at my job. (I don't actually think I suck, but I am not doing as well as I thought I could do... I’m working on it.)

We'll do a reflection exercise:

~ great job with great, amazing, dedicated people
~ wonderful new apartment with wonderful new roommates who sincerely care about my well being.
~fantastic friends who won't just throw me away like yesterday’s newspaper.
~my hair looks really great for some reason.
~my job pays real money which means aside for paying for the necessary things, I can also go out and play with friends in DC and Steubie.
~my bible study is looking to provide (through a binder) more resources to people which excites me because I feel that we need to be more active with our resources. Sure telling someone about God and Jesus and Sin is great, but getting them a warm place to sleep and a good shower is better, at least to me.

~ my office is slightly obsessed with my eternal singleness.
~ my credit card number was stolen.
~ a big volunteer group just cancelled on us until November (bummer!!).
~ I am bitter and jaded about boys.
~ I can't think of more things, but I know there are more.


Anonymous said...

I asked at my office. Both people said they wouldn't have said anything. One woman actually saw a woman going commando while tying her shoe on a ledge. When she told her that people could see everything the shoe tie-er told her to mind her own business. . . .