Sunday, April 22, 2007

questions from Girl...

A few of us bloggers have been jumping on the band wagon of asking each other questions. Here are mine, posed by Girl:

1) The Wentworth he a former romantic interest? Any possibility of this going anywhere in the future?

the wentworth boy was a former romantic interest. Long story to say the least. It will not go any where in the future. I have finally come to realize what he's known for a year, we are phenomenal friends and i couldn't deal with myself if i jeopardized that in anyway. I care about him way tooo much. I did say however, if there was a guarantee that nothing would/could go wrong during the relationship or in the end, that yes, I would be interested. However, we all live in the real world and know that a guarantee like that is impossible. So right now, the wentworth boy is and probably will forever be, one of my best friends, not going any where else.

2) What is your happiest memory from third grade?

Third grade, let's see. Mr. Rice was my teacher... we grew butterflies in class and Mr. Rice hung this kid Justin on the basketball hoop. I think my happiest memory was being placed in advanced reading class. Made me feel good about myself. Third grade was a pretty rough year. Also, i think i got married that year to a kid named Andrew in the gym.

3) If you bought a house today, what would the top 5 priorities be for you?

1. Closets in all the bedrooms.
2. decent counter space and shelving in the kitchen.
3. a porch/deck/yard
4. a shower/tub, none of this one or the other crapola
5. lots of windows.

4) If you could pick a field to be a nurse in, which would you prefer?

Community Health, no doubt. Is that a field? I am not so sure... it's a focus area in school. I would focus on the low income side of medicine. Because i am a hippie. Community Health encompasses all fields of nursing to a degree, almost like diagnostic medicine, where you need to learn as much as you can about everything. I think because of my passion for correcting the wrongs of the world, i need to be in a field where i am working with the under privileged, who need to see me.

5) If you could eat a crayon, what color would it by and why?

The new crayola came out with Mac & Cheese, so clearly i would eat that. Perhaps it's color would remind me of the taste of real Mac & Cheese and i could get through the disgusting waxy taste it would actually be. :)


Anonymous said...

I like it when I'm in your blog makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside...