Thursday, February 22, 2007

my CVS expirience

I have been having serious stomach issues. Feeling really ill and not having much of an appetite. Today, i went in to work to get files on my laptop so i could do work in the comfort or my own home, just in case.

On my way back to Porter, I first ran in to my close friend Crimson who is sadly, severely stricken with the flu. I asked if she wanted anything from CVS and she showed me her own bag of sickly goodies including cough syrup, tissues and other wonderful feel good medications. I said my good-byes and headed in to CVS.

After locating the ginerale and the saltines, i headed to the register where i was greeted by a larger woman who had pigtails (sticking out from the sides of her head, not in like a classy way). She first asked me to hold on for a moment so she could hear the latest gossip from the women at the next register.

Then she scanned the gingerale and crackers and said, "oh, are you pregnant? How wonderful." Yes, wonderful i thought. 6 months on weight watchers and people still think i'm pregnant. GREAT. I responded "no, i'm just not feeling well."

As soon as i said that, the woman put as much anti-bacterial soap on her hand as would possibly soak in to her skin and then wouldn't touch my credit card. I grabbed my stuff and ran out.

Oh yeah. Great day.

By the way, just finished the Wal*Mart movie. It is amazing. You should watch it and learn how the "great American store" is destroying our great America.


SRH said...


Anonymous said...

What a coincidence, I too was at CVS today. Fortunately, no one asked whether I was pregnant...this time.

SRH said...

FYI I was told today by my esthetician (who I see every other week) that I needed to lose weight. A little depressing since I have :(

Anonymous said...

Whats an esthetician?