Wednesday, January 17, 2007

London Bridges Falling Down....

Ok, so I don't work next to the London Bridge, but i do live next to the old Back Bay Post Office... They have recently, temporarily, relocated down the street from Claredon to the building in which Souper Salad is housed.

The old building is about oh, at most 50 feet from my window and is currently being torn down to build a new, 32 story high office space - because God knows we need more of those around. Our 4 story building is going to be huddled under the cover of all the sky scrapers around. Our building is quite old, and i am sure it can really handle the destruction so close.

The destruction occurs every so often. Randomly one might even say. Like today for instance, started at 8:30 and they seem to be done as of 9:00. Yesterday, they were going at 2:00 and finished around 4:00. WHO KNOWS. Also yesterday they started jackhammering under my window.


Update at 9:28 - they have started again. Whoopie!

Update: 1/18/07 at 8:49 am - they have started to knock down the wall closest to me. It has bricks, they are flying off towards my building. If i die, tell my imaginary cat that i love it.


Anonymous said...

[poke] Does this bug you?
[poke] Does this bug you?
[poke] Does this bug you?
[poke] Does this bug you?
[poke] Does this bug you?
[poke] Does this bug you?
[poke] Does this bug you?
[poke] Does this bug you?

SRH said...

I will tell the imaginary cat you love him. What am I supposed to tell our imaginary dog though? I mean come on, what kind of a position are you putting me in?