Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year!

Happy 2007! Hope you all had a fantastic New Years Eve and New Years Day!
Isn't it funny to think 7 years ago was Y2K and we all were warned of the end of the world? 7 years ago i was in the spring semester of my junior year of high school - it was one of the hardest years of my life, that i remember. Lots of emotional issues and family events that year. But i got past it and am here now :)

Last year i actually sat down and wrote out resolutions. Upon reflection, i realized that i honestly kept to most of them. There were one or two that i just went overboard with, but i think this year will be better. I decided to put some of them up, for accountability reasons. You have all been great so far supporting me and i hope it continues.

1. To continue working on my weight. (i am not allowed to quit WW).
2. To figure out a budget for the up coming year.
3. To join a gym OR follow a strict home regimen of work including yoga and resistant bands.
4. To pray more often (perhaps learn to be comfortable praying out loud).
5. To learn how to play the guitar (i've had this thing for 5 years, it's about time i play it).
6. To keep in better contact with friends farther away (this includes visiting far - away friends).
7. To volunteer more.
8. To meet new people (perhaps join a new group or something).
9. To read more (newspapers count).
10. To take more pictures.

Alright. I am off to work on resolution number 5. I've got my "guitar for dummies" book and i've already emailed someone about lessons. Perhaps i'll be able to sing worship songs with guitar soon (one of my little wishes).


SRH said...

we should soundproof the basement, then you can practice down there and we can get Matt to put in another ping pong table :).

SRH said...

Ooh, and you're well on your way to number 3 too! Can you just update your blog now? I am bored. . . .