Monday, January 29, 2007


I apologize for the lack of blogging. It actually makes me realize how insane I am that i can't sit down at a computer for 10 minutes and write an entry. So much has been going on in my life that i barely have 10 minutes and if i do, its used stupidly instead of well, smartly.

To give you an idea of what i've been up to check this schedule out:

Monday, January 29th
6:15am-8:15am Gym
8:15am-9:00pm Work
10:00 homework/sleep

Tuesday, January 30th
6:15am-8:15am Gym
8:15am-5:45pm Work
5:45-5:50 WW
6:30 - 9:00?? Statistics Class
10:00 homework/sleep

Wednesday, January 31st
6:15am-8:15am Gym
8:15am-4:30pm Work
5:00pm - 10:30pm Biology Class
11:00pm sleep

Thursday, February 1st
9:00am- 5:00pm Work
5:00pm - 11:00pm Bible Study
11:30pm sleep

Friday, February 2nd
6:15am-8:15am Gym
8:15am-1:30pm Work
3:00 Logan Airport - flight to Seattle!!!!
return 6pm, Monday, February 5th...

Seriously. That's what i do. Every day. Let's go over the highlights shall we?

1. I officially joined Bally's Gym and gave them a large portion of my pay check. However, the monthly bills won't be so terrible, it was just the upfront gym and personal trainer fee. That's right folks, personal trainer. I am going to kick the butt of all the fatt on me and get me in shape. Vincent is really awesome and encouraging. He's tough though, so don't let his adorable features, 6% body fat or christian piano playing fool you. It has fooled me once or twice on occasion, but i am snapped back to reality. The bonus of having a trainer, a side from learning to box is the fact that i get stretched at the end of each workout, and let me tell you, being stretched is so much nicer than just stretching yourself. At this point, i am just doing Cardio M, T and a weekend day (or i skip that and do yoga) and on Vincent Days I do boxing, weight training and lots and lots of crunches.

2. Weight Watchers hasn't been going as well as it had been. My leader and i think we may need to move food around and change up some stuff. I have been stuck for the past 3 weeks and its getting very annoying. Even more annoying when i know i had been working out and i still don't change. I did however put on my favorite teal pants and they are almost ready to completely fall off. Marian enjoyed the show when i put them on.

3. I started my biology class. Its 5.5 hours on Wednesday nights. Which totally sucks. Bonus: my professor looks a bit like Mel Gibson crossed with the teacher on Boy Meets World. It's pretty nice. Anyways. The class is slightly difficult. Ok, we're on chapter 2, and i am already in trouble. As for Stats... i haven't actually started yet. I skipped... but not intentionally, i just misplaced the paper with all the info on it, and couldn't go. But it's an independent study, so it will be ok. I'm meeting with the professor tomorrow instead of going to my free movie, so sad.

4. Work is crazy. We're having lots of programs as well as issues. I'm doing my best to stay afloat, but, i am not sure how much longer i can. Well-wishes and pieces of advice are more than welcome.

5. My birthday is coming up in 16 days. My birthday party is in 18. And you all better be in attendance. You should've gotten an evite. if you didn't let me know. i'll get it to you.

That may be all... i'm not sure... i'm telling you, my brain is gone!


SRH said...

You are so cute. It's wishful thinking to believe you'll be asleep by 11:30 on Thursday night. Good luck with that though.

suzib said...

i've been doing quite well going to bed by 11:30 thank you :) Yesterday i was asleep at 10:30!

Anonymous said...

color me impressed.
no, color me badd.
That's the one.

SRH said...

We aren't usually home by 11:30 on Thurs. nights. No comment on your ability to fall asleep