Tuesday, November 7, 2006

tag - you're it.

with an ease that only the truly self-obsessed can approach:

So the point of this game is you post a blog about ten weird habits/random facts about yourself, and then "tag" ten people who then have to post a blog about their ten weird habits/random facts. You have to tag them in your blog and then post a comment on their page saying that you tagged them. And no tag-backs.

1. i have a slight obsession with mac and cheese. I love it in any form and variety. we're talking from kraft to real ooey-gooey cheese.

2. i have a horrible time remembering peoples names when i first meet them, however, i have a gift for recognizing faces and remembering random details about them.

3. i drink atleast one nalgene a day of water, and that's a lot.

4. sometimes i have montage sequences run through my head when i think of select folks. usually the montage is not the most wholesome either.

5. i love stories. i could hear people tell stories forever. i just like knowing where different folks are coming from.

6. i am on weight watchers, and have lost 10 lbs in 1 month. i am proud of that, so this weekend i gorged on food. sometimes, i am not so smart.

7. i thrive on constant communication. it doesn't need to be a whole sentance, just a hi to know you're there and care somehow. i get very upset and hurt easily if i send a message and don't hear anything for a day.

8. i have a militant view of cheating which is strange because i really haven't been cheated on. but i have no respect for it at all and could never understand someone who could do that to someone they supposedly love. i don't like seeing it on tv (satc for instance), movies or books. i do not like it.

9. i sleep cuddling a body pillow. past expirieince showed me the gloriousness of cuddling and being next to someone and i seek that out on a daily basis. recently i have started putting the heating pad on the pillow (because i've been so cold) and it luls me to sleep.

10. i love taking pictures of myself, but hate having my picture taken.

i don't have too many blog friends, so i tag girl and anderson hottie cooper (who will never do this). feel free however to respond in a comment. i like random facts.


Anonymous said...

I *have* no blog!

Anonymous said...

I'll just put my list here. :)

1. I'm having a war of water with my apartment. Things are always leaking and pipes, heaters, etc. are bursting. I will never win this war, I'm sure.

2. I always crave more fridge and freezer space. Lots more. The only time I envy my suburban cousins is when I think of the extra fridge in their basement and extra freezer in their garage.

3. I'm on a diet too. Just today, I put on my "fat" teaching corduroys and there was lots of extra room in them. I'm very happy, but it's hard to walk around the (non-virtual) world saying, "hey, I lost some weight" (so yay for Suzi! how exciting!).

4. Cauliflower has lately become my favorite veggie that I never ate as a child. My mother said she hated it and so would never inflict it on me, but I love it roasted at very high heat with lots of garlic and a little salt and pepper.

5. My crocheted scarves for the homeless look so bad I'm embarrassed about them. Sarah said not to worry, that anything is fine, but they really do look pretty odds-and-endish because I used up random bits of old yarn (kind of like a patchwork thing).

6. I love plump, rounded, furry men. I also love Robert, but there's really no overlap between these two.

7. I hate showering in the morning (extra sleep, extra sleep, I think) and at night (my mother drilled into me how bad it was to go to bed with wet hair), so if I'm not home at a random time in the middle of the day (3-5pm or so), I try to avoid showering. (Just fyi, I'm nearly always home to shower at my favorite random afternoon time--the two years of my life that I had a 9-5 job I sucked it up and showered in the morning.)

8. Lately I've been feeling really, really old. When my downstairs neighbors have 80s parties and put their hair in side ponytails and listen to Cyndi Lauper, I can't help but think, "um, I was there." It's too weird! That's JUNIOR HIGH, people--that's not some ancient nostalgia time! Whoa, I feel old.

9. I have a lot of friends I still really care about but I don't live near and I don't stay in touch with. If someone doesn't live in the same city with me, I am crappy as anything about keeping in touch. That doesn't mean I don't like them--I just can't balance far-away people and near-people too.

10. I can't remember a night I slept stright through without waking up in the middle of the night worrying and worrying about leaks in my apartment. Maybe a month ago, maybe longer.
