Wednesday, November 29, 2006

start spreading the news.....

Start spreading the news
I'm leaving today
I want to be a part of it, New York, New York

I am homesick. Funny though 'cause, I am not sure where "home" is. It happens when I go back for a bit. I miss the slower moving pace of upstate. I miss being around people whom I love (i know i love people in Boston, but the NY folks i've known forever).

I miss lawns, cars, dogs, fireplaces, 24hour diners, 8% sales tax (ok, not really), price chopper, faith baptist, winter, the northway.... you know, upstate stuff.

Other than people though, what does NY hold for me? I would love to live in a house. I would love to be around friends and go to a church that I know more people in. I want to hang out with my bestests, and see my pseudo families. But, it holds no job for me, other than an offer to help me become a nurse (but not hiv/aids). Sigh. Life is screwing me up.


Anonymous said...

I miss....Wegmans.

My word verification is "cxcophuh", which is what "chocopuffs" sounds like when your mouth is full of them.

Anonymous said...

so when you say "new york," what on earth do you mean? you quote the ny, ny song, but then you say "upstate stuff." how have I never had this conversation with you?! I read through your post half thinking, YES, I miss NY TOO and half thinking GRR UPSTATE IS NOT NY!


suzib said...

Sorry to disappoint, but i do mean upstate, closer to Albany... I do miss NYC too and am going soon, but there are just things about upstate that i have been missing lately, and especially with going home for a few days, just on my heart.

Girl said...

Yeah...uh...I am totally with Christina on this one. I did the same thing when I saw the lyrics...except I was thinking of the tree at Rockefeller Center and going in early to the city with my mom to see the windows at Lord and Taylor and sneaking into the Marriott Marquis to use the bathrooms and hang out in the lobby.

Upstate, although lovely, isn't what made Ole'-blue-eyes croon.


Anonymous said...

I knew what you meant, but only because we had this conversation the other day. I miss lawns, cars, dogs, fireplace and being able to walk from my house to the wood and being totally alon; just me, nature and my camera. I always get home sick to when I get back from a visit to Pennsylvania.

Anonymous said...

I agree, I am the most homesick on the plane ride back to boston after visiting home. . . I would like to point out, however, that you want to go to a church where you know more people and I am not sure that's possible. I mean come on. You know EVERYONE!! -- speaking of which someone called me by your name last night and then when I corrected him told me to say hi to you. . . .