Sunday, July 30, 2006

I showered.

It happened. I was hott and sweaty and decided to give in. I also fell out of the shower and hurt my butt cheek. Mike and I got a ride to Lowes and bought 2 fans, which make a huge difference in the room we just moved in to. We are now in a safer, more comfortable room, which is great.

After lunch (which Mike and I missed because we borrowed bikes and rode around. We found some really awesome houses which have been fixed up as well as a 2 blocks of Habitat Houses. they are painted these really bright and awesome colors.) Mike, myself and 3 other guys went to the house of Raymond and his wife to help them move their big stuff from their house to the house next door while their house is being fixed up. They were really sweet and gave us coke, water as well as a ton of booze. It was like hitting the jack pot for the boys who have been here for months and have no money. Kinda funny too because we had to smuggle it in. There is a zero tolerance on alcohol because we are in an elementary school.

Once that job was over, we headed over to the distribution center where we were picked up and brought to St. Bernards church. There is a massive collection there of clothing, furniture and pianos (google something like katrina fund pianos or something along those lines. they are soley for musicians who lost their pianos and their careers depend on it). We gathered a truck load of stuff and then headed to Rally's Burgers. I guess its like checkers or in and out, none of which i had been to before. It was REALLY good. While we were there, Mike and I helped push a car that had run out of gas. Quite and expirience.

Tomorrow is gutters day off, and technically Mike and I are gutters. We are hoping to buy some bikes at the bike shop and ride in to town. Maybe go see Amy, or maybe the aquarium. We'll see. Then HOPEFULLY we'll start gutting on Tuesday.

Its been a very interestng day. I am restless. I want to do more than just support the people of Common Ground. Although I recognize the importance, i want to get out there to people who NEED the help. Also, the more days i spend in the heat, the less i want to get into a Tyvek suit and gut. We'll see.

Also we were told today a rumor which truly upsets me. Many of the residents have said that right before the water came in there were 3 large explosion sounds in sucession. It has been known that in the 30's and the 50's the Army Corps of Engineers blew up the levees so that the water did not go toward the french quarter, but flowed in to lower grounds AND confessed to it. The rumor is such that the Army blew up the levees because they felt the 9th ward was disposible where the French Quarter was not. This makes me very upset and angry.

Wish List:
Calamine Lotion
More shorts - the jeans are not so great
AC- truly a selfish wish, but not a necessity
A car
the truth.
a better understanding of myself.


Anonymous said...

You Rock

Anonymous said...

I can't help with the better understanding of yourself, but if you can get some baking soda from the kitchen, a paste of water and baking soda should help with the bug bites (apparently it also works for sunburns too).