Monday, June 11, 2007


This morning i was nervous. More nervous then i have been for an audition, for a job interview, for anything. Today was my first day of clinical. The life of some cute elderly lady was going to be in my hands. I thought for a bit, perhaps this was a mistake, maybe i can't do it...

I met Amy at Dunkin' and we headed to Central Square to meet up with Mere, who would be driving us. Before we left Mere's house, her adorable son says "mommy, you forgot something". We all wait and see what it is and he runs in to the kitchen and grabs her stethoscope and wishes us a good day! Perhaps he had wished us the luck we needed.

We arrived at the Nursing Home and had our tour. I have to stay i am quite disappointed in the nursing home status. There were supplies missing, the floors were very dirty and don't even get me started on the shower room, ew. We made do.

Mere and i were given assignments first. We were going to work in the same room with different residents. We were so thankful to at least have each other just a curtain away! We started collecting whatever supplies we could. My resident is a talker, and i think that is why Maris gave her to me. She is very sweet. She is pretty independent. Years ago she had a cerebral vascular accident, cva (aka, a stroke) so she is paralyzed on her right side. Maris knows the one thing i can't remember is how to dress a person with a weak side. I believe i have to put on the weak side first, take off the strong side first. I gave her a bed bath, got her dressed and to the bathroom and ready to go down to see her friends. I was so proud of myself. I for sure thought I wouldn't be able to do it. But i did, and i think i did it well.

The rest of the day consisted of helping other folks getting their resident's up and ready since mine is fairly independent and making lots of beds. I had one tiny mishap where i miss judged how far i pulled down my residents briefs and we then had to change her again, but that was my fault.

I am so happy because i know this what i am supposed to do. It fits, completely. All other things in my life may be swirling around in chaos, but this, this is right.


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