Monday, May 28, 2007


I've recently starting a program that will certify me to be a nursing assistant and/or a home health aide. Its been a week in the class so far, and i love every minute of it, and it makes me realize that i have finally found what makes me happy. As much as i enjoyed journalism, i never sat in a class (except photojournalism) and was completely focused and enamoured by the material. I come home so excited about what i have learned. Sure i forgot how to make my bed, and i was a little bummed about that, but in the long run, i know how to correctly wash my hands and i know how to stop bleeding and clean a bed with someone in it, and it's only been a week.
My mood has changed a lot. I am motivated to get in to a job. I am applying to positions in hospitals all over the city of Boston. I have also gotten on top of grad school applications and will soon be making visits to all those schools. I need to get in gear as far as the GREs go however. But, thats ok. I am doing pre-reqs at Bunker Hill and I hope they are good enough for schools. As far as I can tell, everyone that i have spoken to has said its fine.
Despite these wonderful things, and the momentum towards greatness, for me, i still feel as though i am lacking a few very important pieces in life. I sometimes desperately seek family and although i have pseudo family in NY, they are in NY not here. I miss them often. I also miss people that i have known for years. Boston friends are great! Please don't get me wrong, but there is something about a person you've known since you were 12. But we've all grown, and we are all in different places and have different lives. There is a human need for close companionship and i just don't know how to get it. Sometimes i feel as though i had it, its just everywhere else.
Also an observation I have discovered in the past few days, once you say you're interested in grad school, the next question asked is are you married or seeing someone? I am sick of this question. Because i am none of the above. The one i thought i would marry is out playing lumber jack (ok, actually sub-contractor) in Colorado. Patterson is doing a program that I pray to God will help him find what he has been seeking for the past 4 years. If you are so interested, as i am so interested, you can check out his blog, and the blog of his fellow brothers. I encourage prays for him and all those participating in the program. Its a hard 3 months and each man is seeking something unearthly.
All in all, i am doing well. Things are well. I will pull through the darkness and come out alright on the other side.