Sunday, April 20, 2008

Day 3

Today was our lazy day. Lindsay stayed up quite late/early doing some homework (perhaps a view of what my future life as a nursing student may look like). Originally we had wanted to go to church, but that idea was scratched when we all remembered how much we loved sleep.

We actually left the house around 12:30. Lindsay took us on a tour of Jackson. First we saw her school. She goes to Union University... You might recognize the name because a tornado ripped through her school in February this year. We were able to see the new construction going up around that disaster. We learned where the nice Kroger is and where you can go shopping... as well as where most people are spending their Sunday afternoon. The local park was PACKED. Lindsay said that when she had been there before no one was there, but, there were so many people there playing on the play ground, the soccer fields, baseball diamonds, it was insane actually.

Downtown Jackson is lacking some... well people and businesses. There isn't much there, although, it is quite an adorable little town with might I had, the National Barber College (the building looks as if it hasn't been used in 50 plus years!).

blizzard, and i have to say, it was only my 2We then headed to the Jackson Family Fun Complex where Lindsay (the scorekeeper) beat Alicia and I in a round of mini-golf. We're pretty sure she cheated. Then it was off to my first go-kart experience. Not exactly what I pictured, but fun. It was warm out so we decided it was necessary to have some DQ (or Dairy Queen to the uneducated). I got a wonderful butterfingernd DQ experience, and I loved it more then the first). We spent hours at DQ just talking and then decided to finally head over to O'Charley's.

Alicia is a manager at a local 99 up in the Boston area, and within the past 10 year's O'Charley's has taken over as it's parent company, so she had said early on that she wanted to go to eat there. The food was decent, and the staff was attractive and nice. The bathrooms however were another story. It's all good though.

We headed back to Lind's house and met her landlady who is a bit of a character, but funny and sweet. Then it was off to Morrow, GA where we spent the night before heading in to Savannah. The drive wasn't terrible... long, but good. There were some parts where we were driving through winding mountainous roads that I fee like would've been much nicer to do in the day time without millions of 16 wheelers. But all in all... good day. Soon to see Paula!!!!!!!

One quick note! Good Luck to all the runners tomorrow!!!!!! YAY!