Friday, August 17, 2007

Can you be a christian feminist?

I have recently been reading this wonderful book titled Full Frontal Feminism. Its a delightful read on the modern age feminist, what she's like, what's she's into, and what makes a feminist. There is large discussion over the idea that a majority of people think feminism is dead and that we've done all we can do.

Once I got into the book I realized that with topics such as sex, reproductive rights, equal rights in the work place, violence etc... i realized that yes, I am most certainly a feminist. However, there are issues that are in complete contradiction with being a Faithful Christian.

Most of these issues center on the topics of sex and reproductive rights, yet a little spills in to the equality in the work place (there are some people out there still believing the place for a woman is barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen). I am appalled that there are states out there creating laws that allow pharmacists and hospitals to refuse care based on personal and religious beliefs.

I believe in birth control, emergency contraception and medically necessary abortions. I believe in being confident in yourself and if you are sexually active, not being called a slut because you are not married. I think women should be able to choose what they want to do with themselves, job, life, etc... And I don't think that because I am a woman, my choices should be looked down upon and severely examined. I don't think in an instance of rape, a woman should be asked to go to another hospital if she wants EC, or told that because she was wearing a short skirt she deserved it. I also believe in Jesus Christ. I believe in prayer and I believe in purity. I believe in repentance which is key and i believe in salvation.

S0 how do these two worlds mix? For a long time I have been caught between two worlds unable to decide which I'd rather submit fully to. There are times that I want to put my liberal side first and say this is what I believe, but then I pray, witness a miracle, or something along the Faithful side of me, and i fall back to wanting my Christian side to take the helm. But I know that I can't really do both to be a good Christian.

or can i?


Girl said...

"However, there are issues that are in complete contradiction with being a Faithful Christian"

Bullshit. Someone has been selling you the wrong story about what being a Faithful Christian is.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows that men belong in the kitchen with their women. That's how we do it at my church...